Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.27.00 Asclepiadaceae
English: Milkweeds.
French: Asclepiadacees.
Botany: 348 genera, 2900 species; tropics, subtropics, Africa, South America; ovaries distinct; stylar head; milky sap.
DD: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Muriaticum, Silver series.
In the Apg3 classification Asclepiadaceae is included in Apocynaceae. This is done to keep Apocynaceae monophyletic.
In the Plant theory Asclepiadaceae is treated as a separate, monophyletic family. Apocynaceae is split in Rauvolfieae and Apocyneae, the two subfamilies of Apocynaceae. Asclepiadaceae is placed in Subphase 7.
Stapeliae: florally advanced; stem succulent genera Huernia, Stapelia and Hoodia; complex mechanisms for pollination, like Orchidaceae, grouping of their pollen into pollinia; flowers, fragrant like carrion, attracting flies.
They often have a strong need for their mother. Ailments start from the loss or fear of losing their mother and family. Often they feel that she does not really love them, not accepting them as they are. Their brothers and sisters have a better place in the heart of their mother. They feel that they are not good enough because they are a girl, the fifth child that ended up being too much for their mother, the obstinate or stubborn one.
This situation can make them very demanding, especially as a child, they need the constant attention of their mother. They can be very aggressive towards her. They can have problems with their siblings with whom they have to compete for the attention of their mother. Jealousy is a big problem.
They work hard to succeed. They want a good social position, to be glorified and have much money, but others often envy them for their success. Later in life they do a lot for others; their mother and their family, but most of the time the others do not appreciate them for it. Instead they blame them for taking too much, stealing from their inheritance, having done wrong.
So they feel betrayed. Often they are pushed out of the family or they withdraw from the family because they cannot stand the quarrels anymore; siblings blaming them, being subordinate to their parents. They feel abused, their help and gifts are not appreciated, but instead are seen as negative. They feel robbed by their own family. Situations of inheritance can provoke the feeling of unfairness and betrayal.
They have an aversion to babies because they are so dependent. They feel they cannot control their babies, who weep without cause and this makes them feel powerless.
Used by family, betrayed, they have robbed part of him.
Nervous, agitated, restless.
Calm, quiet feeling.
Dull, < mental activity.
Delusions: phantoms, animals, disease.
Sensation: cutting; stabbing, stitching, aching.
Weather: chilly, < cold, < wet.
Sweat: profuse, scanty.
Desire: appetite increased.
Food: >< coffee, >< milk, < smoke.
Sleep: sleepiness.
Physical: > motion, > bending forward.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Head: headache, forehead, temples, behind eyes, < cough.
Eyes: black spots, figures before eyes.
Lungs: allergies; bronchitis; pneumonia, pleurisy; influenza, catarrh, fever; hayfever; expectoration difficult, thick, tenacious, dry; cough continued, >> expectoration, > bending forward.
Stomach: pain, burning, vomiting, indigestion.
Abdomen: rumbling.
Rectum: constipation, soft stool, diarrhoea.
Female: dysmenorrhoea, miscarriage.
Urinary: urine scanty, increase of specific gravity, increased; dropsy; uraemia.
Limbs: rheumatism, acute rheumatic inflammation of large joints; arms, pain, shoulders, wrists, heavy, cramps.
Skin: pimples, pustules.