Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
632.11.13 Arum maculatum
English: cuckoo-pint.
Children pick at their lips, even though raw, which gives them pleasure.
Being slapped.
Picks and bores nose; bites his nails.
Morose, sulky, cross, fretful, ill-humour, peevish, < eating.
Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy, weepy, as though impending misfortune.
Fear: disease, hypochondriac.
Very taciturn, silent, <- talking, < eating.
Prostrate, unable to speak, raises hands to mouth, uttering a sharp cry and starting up as if suffocating.
Colour preference; 18D !.
Sensation: burning, needle; smarting, exposed; irritating; raw, stinging; itching; sore; shooting.
Weather: < slight warmth.
Sweat: even in the elderly.
Time: < 3 pm.
Desire: thirst.
Aversion: food.
Food: < flour.
Sleep: sleepy, almost uncontrollable, < after dinner.
General: scorbutus; scarlatina.
Energy: weak; physical depression, lassitude; prostrate, unable to speak, raising hands frequently to mouth and throat, uttering a sharp cry at intervals and starting up as if suffocated; profound torpor followed by febrile reaction.
Nervous: convulsions, horrible, + swelling of tongue until it fills mouth.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Head: slight pressure, stuffed-up, left temple; headache, left temple, forehead to occiput, + stiff hands, + dyspepsia; hot < coryza.
Eyes: violent irritation, aching inflammation in left eye.
Ears: pressure below ears back of lower jaw.
Face: red, < sleep; chapped as if from cold wind; pressure below ears back of lower jaw.
Nose: violent irritation; burning, left side, root of nose; nostrils sore; polyps; obstructed, must breathe through the mouth; discharge, acrid, watery, fluids; crusts, bleeding, bores, picks at nose until it bleeds; sneezing < night.
Mouth: violent irritation, burning, stinging as with a hundred needles; gums bleed easily, < kissing, scorbutic; inflamed, caustic; salivation; chapped lips, licks and picks them until they bleed; corners cracked; palate, lips, burning; excoriated; tongue stitching, stinging, intense pricking, as pins, stinging, lancinations, prickling, burning-hot, < pressure with teeth; swollen; papillae injected, raised.
Throat: violent burning, hot, prickling, stinging, sore < talking or swallowing, tickling, constricting; inflamed; swallowing constant, difficult, < pressure; seems too narrow, swelling on left side above larynx, palate down; struma, goitre.
Throat: larynx violent irritation, burning; constriction; hoarseness, changeable, < talking or singing.
Lungs: hot breath; asthma; cough, loose, < night, < lying down; expectoration difficult, yellow threads; catarrh, chronic; tuberculosis.
Chest: oppression.
Stomach: pain, < pressing it, burning, constricting; dyspepsia; vomiting, blood.
Abdomen: empty, as after vomiting, < mornings after eating; oppression, ascending to chest, throat; painful pressure on a spot in abdomen, between navel and groin, < standing, < lying on side or back, < expanding chest, < stretching abdominal muscles, < pressure; colic, with anxiety; ascaris.
Rectum: diarrhoea; prolapseus ani.
Urinary: urine copious, clear, light-coloured, watery, smell of burnt horn, cloudy sediment; cloud in middle after standing; bleeding.
Female: menses profuse.
Limbs: rheuma.
Skin: red; erosions, vesicles, blisters; eczema solare.