William Boericke
Cochlearia armoracian
Cochlearia armoracia
Frontal bone and sinus, antrum and salivary glands are specifically affected by this drug. Bloated sensation. Raises vital forces. Used as a gargle in scorbutic gums and sore throat. Hoarseness and in relaxed conditions of the fauces. Internally in gonorrhoea. Useful as a condiment in enfeebled states of the stomach. An infusion of the root in cider, for dropsy, causes copious diuresis. Locally cures dandruff.
Head: Thinking is difficult. Anxiety, driven to despair by pain. Pressing, boring pain as if frontal bone would fall out. Violent headache with vomiting. Impaired hearing.
Eyes: Sore and scrofulous; traumatic inflammation of eyes, blearedness and cataract. Copious running from eyes.
Stomach: Pain towards back; worse, pressure on dorsal vertebrae. Belching and cramps. Colic with backache. Violent cramp from stomach through both sides around to back. Griping around navel.
Back: Pain in back as from incarcerated flatulence from abdomen through to back and down into sacrum.
Respiratory: Dry, hacking, laryngeal cough, also post-influenzal cough, dry or loose, worse lying down. Chest painful to touch. Coryza, with hoarseness. Mucous asthma. Oedema of lungs. Throat feels rough and hoarse.
Urinary: Burning and cutting at glans penis before, during, and after urination. Frequent urination.
Modalities: Worse evening and at night.