Jan Scholten
There is a strong mother theme in this family, an expression of the Muriaticum quality. The bonding between mother and child is the key theme. They can be left alone as a child by their mother. There can be problems with pregnancy and labour. It can be that they cannot beget children as a woman due to infertility, miscarriages, lack of a husband or early death of children. It leads to feeling alone, left out. They can feel like an outsider being a childless woman.
The bonding theme becomes more general in life. There can be problems in relationships with friends, partners, family members. Marriage is often problematic, if it starts at all. There can be marriage failure from infertility or programmed sex. Death of a child is often the start of split and later divorce, the partners blaming each other or not being able to understand, console or comfort each other.
There is also a strong aspect of guilt, of feeling being a bad person. They feel there must be something wrong with them that something terrible happens like the death of their child. It can lead to religious attitudes, withdrawing into the church with much praying. It can be felt as penitence. They can also feel bad because their parents have maltreated them as a child. There can be a story of being left alone, being beaten, diseases and death secluded parents.
They can become very sad, reserved, retired in their own world, a withdrawal from life.
Feeling forsaken, isolated, left alone, rejected, cut off from family, people and the world.
Retire into their own little but safe world, keep the frightening threatening world at a distance.
Cling to their mother.
Ailments from incest, rape; prostitution.
Childless mother, parent.
Closed, enclosed in a tube, womb.
Sad, depressed, suicidal, desire death, inconsolable.
Look cool, emotionless, serious, unmoved, taciturn, not laughing.
Chaotic, confused, intoxicated, stupefaction, floating, headless.
Fear death; desire death.
Panic, < sound of rain.
Love for nature and animals, horses, cats, birds.
Entrapment, confinement.
Lack of intimacy, bonding; being alone, without family, in a family.
From aristocratic family, fallen, expired.
Sexual desire increased or diminshed.
Aversion: being touched, consolation.
Ailments from abuse, being defeated, ashamed.
Fear: panic, noise, death, losing parents, losing children.
Dreams: shameful, guilt.
Weather: - > open air.
Aversion: butter: drinks, thirstless; food, anorexia.
Desire: vegetables.
Head: pain.
Nervous: epilepsy; Parkinson’s disease.
Mouth: aphthae.
Abdomen: pain.
Urinary: kidney failure.
Genital: infertility.
Female: amenorrhoea, menses absent; dysmenorrhoea; menorrhagia; ailments during and after pregnancy and labour: miscarriage, bleeding, contraction heavy, caesarean section, dead foetus; menopause problems; infertility, miscarriage, abortion.
Skin: ecchymosis.