Henry Allen
Allen Keynotes
Arisaema triphyllum
Coryza; acrid, fluent; nostrils raw. Nose feels stopped up in spite of the watery discharge (compare, Am. c., Samb., Sinap.); sneezing < at night. Acrid, ichorous discharge, excoriating inside of nose, alae, and upper lip (Ars., Cepa). Constant picking at the nose until it bleeds; boring with the finger into the side of the nose. Picks lips until they bleed; corners of the mouth sore, cracked, bleeding (with malignant tendency, Cund.); bites nails until fingers bleed. Patients pick and bore into the raw bleeding surfaces though very painful; scream with pain but keep up the boring (in diphtheria, scarlatina, typhoid). Children refuse food and drink on account of soreness of mouth and throat (Mer.); are sleepless. Saliva profuse, acrid, corrodes the mucous membrane; tongue and buccal cavity raw and bleeding. Aphonia: complete, after exposure to northwest winds (Acon., Hep.); from singing (Arg. n., Caust., Phos., Sel.). Clergyman's sore throat; voice hoarse, uncertain, uncontrollable, changing continually; worse from talking, speaking or singing; orators, singers, actors. Desquamation in large flakes, a second or third time, in scarlatina. Typhoid scarlatina, with apathy, scanty or suppressed urine; threatened uraemia. The sore mouth and nose are guiding in malignant scarlatina and diphtheria.