Henry Allen
Allen Keynotes
Argentum nitricum
Acute or chronic diseases fro unusual or long-continued mental exertion. Always think of Argentum nit. on seeing withered, dried-up, old-looking patients (thin, scrawny, Sec.). Emaciation, progressing every year; most marked in lower extremeties (Am. m.); marasmus. Apprehension when ready for church or opera, diarrhoea sets in (Gels.). Time passes slowly (Can. I.); impulsive, wants to do things in a hurry; must walk fast; is always hurried; anxious, irritable, nervous (Aur. Lit.). Headache: congestive, with fullness and heaviness; with sense of expansion; habitual gastric, of literary men; from dancing; hemicrania, pressive, screwing in frontal eminence or temple; ending in bilious vomiting; < from any exhaustive mental labor; > by pressure or tight bandaging (Apis, Puls.). Acute granular conjunctivitis; scarlet-red, like raw beef; discharge profuse, muco-purulent. Ophthalmia neonatorum: profuse, purulent discharge; cornea opaque, ulceration; lids sore, thick, swollen; agglutinated in morning (Apis, Mer. s., Rhus). Eye strain from sewing, < in warm room > in open air (Nat. m., Ruta); diseases due to defective accommodation. Craves sugar; child is fond of it, but diarrhoea results from eating (craves salt or smoked meat, Cal. p.). Belching accompanies most gastric ailments. Flatulent dyspepsia: belching after every meal; stomach, as it it would burst with wind; belching difficult, finally air rushes out with great violence. Diarrhoea: green mucus, like chopped spinach in flakes; turning green after remaining on diaper; after drinking; after eating candy or sugar; masses of muco-lymph in shreddy strips or lumps (Asar.); with much noisy flatus (Aloe.). Diarrhoea as soon as he drinks (Ars., Crot. t., Throm.). Urine passes unconsciously day and night (Caust.). Impotence: erection fails when coition is attempted (Agnus, Calad., Selen.). Coition: painful in both sexes; followed by bleeding from vagina (Nit. ac.). Netrorrhagia: in young widows; in sterility; with nervous erethism at change of life (Lach.). Great longing for fresh air (Amyl., Puls., Sulph.). Chronic laryngitis of singers; the high notes cause cough (Alum., Arg. m., Arum.). Great weakness of lower extremities, with trembling; cannot walk with the eyes closed (Alum.). Walks and stands unsteadily, especially when he thinks himself unobserved. Convulsions preceded by great restlessness. Sensation of a splinter in throat when swallowing (Dolch., Hep., Nit. ac., Sil.); in or about uterus when walking or riding. Chilly when uncovered, yet feels smothered if wrapped up; craves fresh air.
Relation. - Natrum mur, for the bad effects of cauterizing with nitrate of silver. Coffee increases nervous headache. Boys' complaints after using tabacco (Ars., Ver.). Similar: to, Nat. m., Nit. ac., Lach., Aur., Cup. After Ver.; Lyc. follows well in flatulent dyspepsia.
Worse: Cold food; cold air; eating sugar; ice cream; unusual mental exertion.
Better: Open air; craves the wind blowing in his face; bathing with cold water. The 200 or 1000th potency in watery solution as a topical application in ophthalmia neonatorum has relieved when the crude Silver nitrate failed.