Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
Argentum metallicum
Argentum metallicum is one of those remedies which have been extensively dis-cussed in all the old literature, but which are seldom prescribed. The picture has many symptoms, but a real theme is lacking.
Through studying the following five cases, a mental picture of Argentum metalli-cum slowly emerged.
Picture of Argentum metallicum
They feel that they are worth a great deal, but they doubt whether they can make this come true.
They have a sort of reserved arrogance, to compensate for their feeling of inferiority. People tell them things like: ‘don’t be such a show off’, or ‘ who do you think you are?’ But what they receive is a mixed message: on the one side they are expected to achieve a lot, and on the other side they shouldn’t get ‘airs and graces’ about it.
They try and compensate for their inner feeling of inferiority by developing a very refined and civilised personality. They like soft music, the violin, piano or flute, and they often play these instruments themselves. Inner refinement is important to them, a soft and gentle culture in which they can shine.
They find the same sort of gentle security in religions such as anthroposophy. The gentleness is also found in their preference for soft, pastel colours.
And so they appear to be very gentle and quiet, even timid. They seem to be easy going, a little like Pulsatilla.
But they know very well what they want and they go exactly the way they want to go (dictatorial). This is the side that is usually hidden and which only comes out at home (DD: Lyc). They do this to show that there is more to them than people think, that they can own a big house etc.
They are reserved and don’t like talking about themselves, especially not about their feeling of inferiority. They are afraid that this fragile facade will collapse. That is why they are afraid to perform, or to be recorded on video. Until now I have only had two patients who did not want to have the consultation taped on video, and they were both Arg-m. They are timid, < performing in public.
They are not very spontaneous and they don’t have many friends, although they do have a lot of acquaintances. They even find it difficult to talk with their partner, because of their fear of intimacy. Sexually they don’t experience much pleasure; the fear to lose their refined image is too strong.
Eventually they may become depressed: ‘What am I doing in this world?’
They are quite nervous in their behaviour, although not openly (DD Arg-n).
Their fear of appearing in public is related to their fear of not having anything worth presenting to the public. ’Not worthy of putting myself forward’ can be seen as the symbolic for the whole Arg-m state. The anxiety can be noticed in their voice too: it is slow, soft with a faint tremor, sometimes even hoarseness. Their face is often tight, with slightly trembling jaws (DD Zinc)
The urge to achieve makes them hurried and impatient, with restless legs (DD: Zinc)
Great fear of heights, narrow spaces, criticism, crowds, street, disease, anticipation (DD Arg-n). These fears can increase to phobic states.
The theme of being locked up returns in their dreams. It is similar to the delusion ‘being trapped’ for Arg-n (Sankaran 1991, page 225).
They may develop a great mental weakness (mind, prostration): concentration difficult, forgetful, even dementia or Parkinsons disease.
Generals The symptoms are generally left sided. The stiff and tense feelings resemble the mental picture. Kent mentions the typical grey discharges.
Temperature: cold, but < heat and sun.
< damp and cold, outside.
Time: evening.
Desire: sweet (3), fruit, fresh (2), sour, chocolate, alcohol.
Aversion: fat (2), meat (2). Little thirst.
< green peppers (2), cabbage (2), sprouts, cucumber (2).
> coffee.
Sleep: difficulty falling asleep < beautiful fantasies; sleeps on right side.
Physical: movement, < touch.
Neuralgias with shooting, electric pains, tingling and numbness.
Eyes: inflammations. Strabismus, diverging left. Lazy eye, vision bad.
Ear: inflammations, blocked.
Nose: colds, nosebleeds.
Tonsillitis left, cold drinks.
Laryngitis, hoarseness < talking, singing.
Stomach and bowel complaints similar to lyc: rumbling, flatus, diarrhoea and constipation.
Palpitations > lying on left side, > breathing in.
Inflammations of the bladder.
Inflammations of the vagina, ovaries or testes, even cancer.
Irregularities in the cartilage: hardening or swelling, arthritis, ribs.
Pain and stiffness in neck < morning. Writers cramp.
A typical pain appears to be in the front of the left shoulder, radiating and shooting through the arm, into the hand, with a feeling of paralysis, tingling and numbness, movement.
Backache, sciatica, shooting pain in legs, < sitting (3), movement.
Skin: eczema, itching.
DD: Arg-n, Aur, Carc, Chin, Lyc, Mang, Pall, Plb, Puls, Sil, Zinc.