Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and the Elements
5.11 Argentum
Argentum has already been described in the book ‘Homeopathy and Minerals’ (Scholten 1993). Here I wrote about the themes of the Silver series in general: arrogant, dictatorial, artistic, religious, anticipation. But the specific theme of Stage 11 was hardly mentioned.
I also realise that I only wrote about the mild and timid side of Argentum, while the hard, dictatorial fighter side did not get a single mention.
The name comes from the Greek word ‘Arguros’, meaning brilliant white. The name silver comes from the old English word ‘seolfor’ or the old Saxon word ‘silubar’, which became ‘silber‘ in German. This metal has been known for more than 3000 years because it is found in nature in its consolidated (metallic) form.
Coins are traditionally made from silver because of its high value. Other precious objects like jewels, ornaments, medals, cutlery etc. are also made of silver, as are most mirrors.
It is used in photography in the form of silver bromide because of its image [Silver series] retaining [Stage 11] properties.
Sunglasses often contain silverchloride which gets split into its separate components under the influence of sunlight, after which the silver starts to reflect the light.
Silver is the best conductor of heat and electricity. It is quite possible that we will be able to make even better conductors using silver than we presently do using copper.
Stage 11 Silver series
Holding on Creation Inspiration
Maintaining Ideas Culture
Containing Supplies Unique Admiration
Protecting Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly
Possessions Wealth Art Science Mysticism
Privileged Show Performance
Enjoyment Queen Ambition
Spreading Humiliation
Sharing Sexuality
Middle age
Town Province
Voice Hearing
Holding to your talents.
Holding on to a successful position.
Showing your respect.
Holding on to ideas, religions, art.
Holding on to ideas: conservative.
Protecting the arts.
Extending ideas: condescending.
Enjoying success.
Prosperous through religion.
Holding on to sex.
Holding on to your voice.
The top sportsman who has to retain his title.
Picture of Argentum metallicum
Essence: holding on to a successful position.
Holding on to a successful position
The want to hold on to their position at the top. Their beautiful creations in the past have caused them to have high expectations of the future. Their parents, friends, the general public, everyone expects them to continue their successes. But they are afraid that they might not be as good as they used to be, that they might not be able to perform as well as they did that time.
As long as they are busy to prove themselves they are very lively and talkative. They are always short of time, there is still so much to be achieved. They are cheerful and spontaneous people who are able to animate large groups of people. They love to talk and fantasise about the exciting times and the successes of the past.
Protecting the arts: mecenas
They like to protect the arts and the sciences. Their sense of responsibility makes them want to protect these treasures for posterity. They are often conservative in their outlook and are keen to protect that which has been proved to be worthwhile and good. They are usually very culturally minded with refined taste. They love classical music, violin, piano, they are religious with a tendency towards the anthroposophical ways of thinking.
Guarding against pride
They are quite proud and like to be acknowledges and admired. They love holding a speech in front of a large audience, to be the centre of attention. They also like to show off with their jewels, their large houses and beautiful clothes. They know what they want and make sure they get it, which can turn into condescending or even dictatorial behaviour. But their pride and their dictatorial attitude also frightens them and they are afraid that it might get out of hand, afraid that their pride will get out of proportion to their talents. So they hold themselves in and try to hide their delusions of grandeur. They tend to become very quiet when something goes wrong and they get frightened when they fail.
Afraid they will not be able to continue their success
They are also afraid that they won’t be able to continue their successes. They often don’t feel good about themselves at all, sometimes they even feel very inferior. Or they dare not show their feeling of superiority out of fear that people will comment on it. In the past they have often been told: ’Don’t think you are anything special just because you have been successful once’.
This makes them timid, they don’t talk much about themselves, let alone about their feeling of inferiority. They are afraid that their facade will crumble. For the same reason they tend to be afraid of intimacy because it breaks through the thin layer of civilisation. They may be afraid of speaking in public and of video recordings.
Holding on leads to injured pride
Having to hold on to success makes them extremely nervous and tense, even if they don’t show it. They can never be themselves because there is always a former status to keep up. This creates a feeling as if the earth is trembling beneath their feet, there is no feeling of solidity. Of course it is their own anxiety that creates these tremors but to them it appears as if the earth itself is shaking.
Keeping the voice under control
Their anxiety often betrays itself in their voice: they speak slowly and softly, sometimes they get quite hoarse and one can often detect a tremor in their voice. Their face is tight and their jaws tremble, their teeth may even chatter when they have to talk about themselves. The more they believe in what they are saying, the stronger their voice will get.
The sportsman who has to retain the trophy
This is the case of the sportsman who has made it to the top but who is now faced with the task of holding on to his position. He has to live up to his own and the nation’s expectations that he can become champion once more.
Fears: heights, narrow spaces, criticism, crowds, disease, anticipation, performances, speeches, palpitations, heart attack, concussion, going mad; easily frightened.
Dreams: heights, falling, nauseous, quarrels with friends, palpitations, business, devils, enemies, pursued, appear real, getting stuck.
Delusions: military, running into things, mania.
Irritability: hitting, < humiliation.
Mood: haughty, timid, yielding; cheerful, lively; hurried, impatient; changeable, hysterical, hyper sensitive; quiet, calm, serene, heavenly; worried, serious, gloomy; crying.
Mental: clear, confused, lack of concentration, forgetful, precise, delirious, exhausted, dull, insane, demented.
Contacts: -> talking, talks fast, < large company, <- intimacy.
Hobbies: singing, art, music, violin, anthroposophy, bowling.
Professions: artist, painter, writer, musician, teacher, scientist, doctor, priest, vicar, bishop, shaman, governor, secretary, representative, public relations officer, advertising agent, top sportsman or woman.
Causes: disaster, humiliation(3), wounded pride.
Locality: left.
Weather: cold, but heat and sun <, < damp and cold, < wind, outside.
Time: < 1 pm.
Desires: sweet (3), fruit, fresh (2), sour, chocolate, alcohol, wine, whiskey,coffee, salt, sauces (2).
Aversion: kohlrabi, fat (2), meat (2), sour, drinks.
Food: coffee.
Menses: profuse.
Sleep: difficulty getting asleep < beautiful fantasies; on right side; sleepy, somnambulism.
Physical: motion, < touch; < coition.
Cancer. Exhaustion.
Weakness, paralysis. Bruised pains, itching.
Stiffness, sensation of bands, constriction. Electric shocks, < beginning movement. Parkinson’s.
According to Kent grey discharges are typical.
Headache (3) in forehead, temples and vertex.
Neuralgia with shooting electric pains, tingling, numbness.
Eye infections. Strabismus, divergent, left. Lazy eye, poor vision.
Cornea is brown or green. Visual disturbances. Affections of cornea.
Ear: infections, blocked.
Nose: colds with watery coryza, nosebleeds. hayfever.
Throat infection left side, cold drinks.
Laryngitis, hoarseness, < talking, singing, loss of voice, stammering.
Inflammation of bladder. Kidney diseases with oedema. Incontinence < coughing.
Inflammation of vagina, ovaries, testicles, may lead to cancer.
Affections or deformities of cartilage: thickening, calcification, arthritis, ribs.
Pain in neck and stiffness < morning. Writers cramp.
Typical: pain on the front of the left shoulder, radiating and shooting through arm to hand, accompanied by feeling of paralysis, numbness and tingling, motion. Tennis elbow. Stiff hands.
Back ache, sciatica, shooting down leg, < sitting (3), motion.
Skin: eczema, itching. Melanoma.
DD: Silver series, Stage 11, Carcinosin, China, Lycopodium, Manganum, Palla-dium, Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Silica, Zincum.
DD Palladium: feels his position at the top is completely natural. Argentum feels he has to hold on to his position, his success must continue.