Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.42.06 Arctium lappa
Names: Lappa, Lappa arctium, Lappa officinalis, Lappa Major.
English: Burdock, Arcion, (Greek), Gobo, Great Clote Burre.
French: grande bardane.
Source: Dr. Jeanes and Dr. S. A. Jones.
Use: sticks in fur and hair; its artificial copy is Celcro.
DD: Magnesium carbonicum. Anthr, Jug-c.
Clumsy socially, feels misunderstood, treated as stupid.
Wants to do good but is underestimated.
Irritated, annoyed, which makes him unsociable.
Desire contact, with mother, sticky, gluey.
Jesting, teasing, not malicious, playful.
Reserved and closed for fear of people seeing their insecurity.
Trembling and excitement.
Inability to work; stupid feeling, mentally and physically.
Dreams: troublesome; great exertion; being murdered and waking in fright; fire; murder.
Sweat: foetid, armpits, feet.
General: cancer.
Energy: weakness, lameness, tired, < short walk; faint feeling, < church.
Head: headache, < eating, beer, worse waking, better breakfast; tinea capitis, crusta lactea, covered with greyish white offensive crusts; hair destroyed.
Eyes: boils, styes, ulcers on the edge of the eyelids; dark circles.
Face: acne, eczema.
Chest: oppression; swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands.
Stomach: indigestion.
Abdomen: liver problems, sore, < lying on right side.
Female: uterine displacement, < standing, < walking, < sudden jar; uterus bruised, sore, heavy, bearing down, prolapsed; relaxation of vaginal tissue; leucorrhoea; infertility.
Rectum: diarrhoea alternating with rheumatic symptoms.
Urinary: urine profuse, milky, coloured; urination frequent, + with pain bladder < urination.
Back: pain, lumbar, < lying on back.
Limbs: rheumatism; sore muscles; dull pains, < motion; sore pain, right shoulder, above elbow and under scapula, near axilla; aching < walking, < driving in wet and cold, with stiffness and soreness; numb, shoulders extending to wrists and in small of back extending down posterior surface of thighs; numb small of back extending down posterior surface of thighs.
Skin: acne, pimples, eczema, scalp, sticky discharge; moist, offensive, greyish white crust, head, face, neck; herpetic eruptions on right nose wing; boils whole body, painful, slow to heal, crops.