Jan Scholten
Aranea diadema
Deep melancholy, dejected, will not leave the bed.
Morose and despondent, longing for death.
Nervous; nervous temperament.
Dreams: frightful, screams out and cannot sleep again.Colour preference: 1-3DE, 4-5C.
Region: nerves; blood; bones; right side.
Weather: < damp or wet; > open air; < rain.
Food: > smoking tobacco; < milk: unpleasant taste.
Aversion: food, no appetite; anorexia.
Sleep: sleep unquiet; frequent awaking; sleepless, < backache.
Physical: < bathing; < fresh water, rivers, lakes. > pressure; desire to keep constantly moving when sitting.
General: hydrogenoid; fever, chill, with sleeplessness, no heat nor sweat, < every other day, at precisely same hour, < 7 to 9 am; languor and lassitude; malaria; haemorrhage; periostitis.
Vertigo: vertigo, with flickering before eyes, before headache, < sitting up, > must lie down
Head: headache, forehead), > smoking tobacco, > out into the open air, > leaning head, > pressure on forehead; confusion and pressure in the head, with lassitude, < after eating; < evening, < studying, with pressive pains, as if on bones of right temple, > support, resting head on hand; pain in right trifacial nerve from periphery inwards.
Face: pale; dejected appearance; burning heat in face, forehead and eyes.
Eyes: glimmering and glittering before eyes, preceding headache, burning, stinging, shooting in eyes, large black circles under eyes
Mouth: instantly a painful sensation, as though arising from several points, darted along the tongue, painfully affecting tongue, jaws, and head; teeth pain, sharp, sudden, violent, of whole upper and lower jaw, at night, < after lying down; shock from an electric battery, bitter taste, with coated tongue, > smoking.
Lungs: respiration short; breathless, < short walk; cough with bloody sputa; bright red haemorrhage from lungs.
Chest feels oppressed; pain in intercostal nerve from nerve endings to spine.
Stomach: dejection and lassitude, with thirst, coryza, with thirst; eating causes headache and spasms; vomiting, with fever; epigastrium painful to pressure; violent convulsive pains in stomach < after eating a very little food
Abdomen: full, heavy, as form a stone; pain, severe, < 4 am, > rubbing with hand, > stools, with loud borborygmi; spleen enlarged, swollen, with chilliness; sinking in epigastrium; colic with shuddering towards evening.
Rectum: diarrhoea, < 2 am; stools watery, liquid, difficult, with straining, with colic with great rumbling, > friction on the abdomen.
Urinary: waits long to urinate; no energy; sore on either side of bladder; urine dark colored.
Female: dysmenorrhoea, spasms commencing in stomach; periods eight days too early, too strong, and too copious; metrorrhagia, bright colored blood; viscous leucorrhoea.
Back: backache, < before and after chill; excruciating neuralgia along spinal nerves
Limbs: pains dull, penetrating, bones, arms, legs; hands and forearms feel larger and heavier, < going to sleep; stitches through knee with the chill, coming and going suddenly; arms and legs as if asleep; bone pains in; pain in os calcis
Skin: yellow; eruption, pimples, nodes, tubercles; ulcers on heel.