Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.50.00 Araliales
Botany: Asteranae; petals free.
In the Apg3 classification Araliaceae is part of Apiales together with some smaller families.
In the Plant theory Araliaceae is split off from the Apiales and forms its own Order Araliales together with Pennantiaceae, Torricelliaceae, Griseliniaceae and Pittosporaceae. Araliacaeae have a strong quality of Nitrogen, Phase 5. Apiaceae in contrast have a strong quality of Chlorine and Phase 7.
The Subphases of Araliales are tentative. Only the placement of Araliaceae in Subphase 5 and Pittosporaceae in Subphase 6 is grounded in homeopathic information.
1. Mackinlayaceae.
2. Pennantiaceae.
3. Torricelliaceae
4. Araliaceae.
5. Griseliniaceae.
6. Pittosporaceae.
7. Myodocarpaceae
Mackinlayaceae: Actinotus, Apiopetalum, Centella, Mackinlaya, Micropleura, Xanthosia; 67 species.
Pennantiaceae: Pennantia; formerly placed in the family Icacinaceae; New Zealand, Norfolk Island and northeast Australia.
Torricelliaceae: Aralidium, Melanophylla.
Griseliniaceae: Griselinia.
Pittosporaceae: Auranticarpa, Bentleya, Billardiera, Bursaria, Campylanthera, Cheiranthera, Citriobatus, Marianthus, Pittosporum, Rhytidosporum.
Myodocarpaceae: Delarbrea, Myodocarpus.
They have a strong competitive drive together with a desire for autonomy. They want to be in control in life, in control of themselves. They want to enjoy life to the fullest and be very capable, one of the best. This makes them very energetic and enthusiastic. But it can also exhaust them leading to a burnout.
Energy: weak, burnout.
Head: headache, migraine.
Lungs: bronchitis; pleurisy; pneumonia.