Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.13.07 Aquilegia vulgaris
Names: Latin for eagle; Latin Aqua for water and lego to collect; Culverwort, Saxon culfre meaning pigeon and wyrt for plant; Columba, the Latin word for dove.
English: Culverwort; Garden Columbine; Common Columbine; Meeting Houses; Venus Plant; Jack-in-Trousers; Mary’s Bells; Granny’s Bonnet; European Crowfoot.
French: Ancolie commun.
German: Fairy’s Glove; Venus Carriage; Women’s Little Shoe; Love Plant.
Italian: Amornascento; Perfetto amore.
Source: Barbara Seideneck.
Content: cyanogenic glycoside, flavonoid c-glycoside malonate, isocystososide, flavonoid emulsin, tannin, aquilegine, vitamin C, an unspecified alkaloid and sphingolipid desaturase.
Culture: Freya, goddess of crops, birth, sensuality, love, loved music, spring, flowers and elves, the most gracious and beautiful of all the goddesses; symbolism of love, fertility, sexual imagery, secret love and seduction, inconsistency and fickleness, desertion and folly; Ophelia in Shakespeare’s Hamlet giving a bouquet containing columbines to King Claudius for his ingratitude and infidelity.
Having the perfect love but fearing a break due to imperfect sex.
Does not understand why they are abandoned by partner.
Hysteria, < menopause.
Sensitive, oversensitive, < light, < noise.
Sweet, kind, gentle.
Not clear what matters.
Nervous female patients, weak, poor looking.
Delusion: errors of personal identity; being possessed.
Spaced-out feeling.
Uncertain, agitation, bewildered, < life’s choices.
Indifference to other’s feelings.
Mind-chatter; internal dialogue; intolerable inner thoughts.
Mind separated from body; as if possessed by a second personality.
Like a witness; spectator to events.
Sense of distance; isolation.
Desire to be alone; better alone.
Irritable, < everything, < husband, impatient with people, < before menses.
Alternating states.
Hypersensitivity; emotionally over-reactive; weeping easily, < odours, heat, music, touch, taste and noise
Visual acuity
Mental clarity; alert; awake; clear; aware; focused.
Difficulty concentrating; foggy, groggy; fuzzy thinking; slow reading; slow thinking; absent-minded; forgetful; disoriented; no sense of time.
Difficulty making decisions.
Averse to doing anything; unmotivated.
Dreams: nature, landscapes, beautiful herbs and flowers; coves, caves; magical monsters; unworldly garden, paradise; peaceful palace.
Dreams: masturbating in a public toilet; sex hyperactive, glamorous, with a stranger; mother sexually abusing brother; lawyer having an affair; threat of sexual abuse; naked in public; sex and doughnuts.
Dreams: costumes; make-up; wedding; beautiful dresses; fashion show; people in horse costumes; grace.
Dreams: gatherings, groups, social; friends and family in restaurants; conferences; hotels; large houses; parking lots; classrooms; apartments; a camp; ski lodge; amphitheatre; concert hall; atrium, cinema, cruise ship, bus; cliffs; house on a hill; hiking to steep hills with lots of small buildings; hiking.
Dreams: violence; rape; women being roasted alive like turkeys; abusive; fleeing; being murdered, shot, held hostage; being choked; gunshot wounds; bleeding, copious; machine guns.
Dreams: animals, wild, desert, bears, dogs, snakes, frogs, horses, earthworms, mosquitoes; protection against pursuing animals.
Dreams: dirty apartment; nasty bathroom; old food, chicken; clean city; cobwebs; particles falling from ceiling; car wash; neatly arranged house; cleaning out handbag; cleaning windows; Goldilocks cleaning; up and leaving.
Dreams: co-operation, coordination, helping others and rescuing; open spaces; forces of nature; parts of buildings; corrosive materials; pregnancy, racing; trusting others, being trustworthy, loyalty; watching myself; water.
Sensation: dull; nail; stitching; heavy, tingles, buzzes, like on speed; shocks, electric-like
Weather: chilly, < cold; hot, warm, flush of heat; > open air.
Time, < 9 am.
Aversion: drinks, thirstless.
Sleep: sleepy; sleepless, insomnia; restless, tossing and turning, < discomfort, pain, < thirst.
General: cancer.
Fever: feverish, raised temperature, warm.
Infection: measles; smallpox; gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermis; fungi, Aspergillus niger.
Nervous trembling of body; sensitive to light and noise.
Vertigo; dizzy; light-headed/empty-headed; off balance to left; circles spinning in head.
Head: headache, dull, pulsing, pressing, tingling, stabbing, electric shock, a sharp object driven into the skull, as from a cap, forehead, parietal, temples, vertex, < movement, < 10 am, < bending over, > hot bath, + flatulence; tingling temples; opened, expanded.
Eyes: dry; gluey; strain, right; pressing pain on eyeball; twitching left lid; weak; spasmodic twitching, < before evening.
Ears: dull pain; plugged; itching; pulse, racing; loud noises hurting.
Mouth: dry, like cotton; tingling; gum loss; sores, ulcers; cottonmouth; lips chapped, dry, parched; metallic taste; peridontitis.
Throat: sore, burning, raw, dry, tickling, scratchy; lump, < motion, deep breathing, > pressure; lump; inflammations; sores.
Lungs: breathing difficulties.
Heart: pains.
Stomach: nausea, vomiting, green, < morning, < eating, < menopause, < pregnancy, < menses.
Abdomen: painful pressure in the loin on the right-hand side; liver obstructions, jaundice; spleen and gallbladder diseases.
Rectum: diarrhoea, with pain perineum; constipation.
Urinary: kidney stones; dropsy.
Male: impotence.
Female: menses scanty, amenorrhoea; dysmenorrhoea, pain dull, pressing, right lumbar region, < night, < young girls; leucorrhoea; infertility; labour pain; uterine bleeding
Back: neck, stiff, left, cervical, shooting, tingling, extending to head, cheeks; buzzing; zigzag jolt; deep chill.
Female: menses early, light, scanty, not as painful, > rubbing, rest; uterus cramping; vagina intense burning, suppuration; spotting during ovulation.
Back: pain, achy/weak, hot, vibrating, lower back, spine, < before menses.
Limbs: rheumatic aches and pains; shaky body, hands.
Skin: wounds rashes; head lice; ulcers