Jan Scholten
Apis mellifica
Stinging burning, prickling, smarting, like hot needles. Must lie down. Rapid onset. SUDDEN; SHRILL CRIES or pains, that extort cries; nervousness, swelling, effusion, etc. SENSITIVE; to pain. Sharp STINGING burning or bruised SORENESS; of brain, ABDOMEN, ovaries, bladder, etc. PUFFINESS, shiny redness. Oedema; of eyelids or lips; red; saccular. BURNING-itching. Infections. Inflammation. Stiffness. Numbness.
Childish. Irritable, excitable, jealous, fussy and fidgety or apathic. Foolishly suspicious. Nervous and awkward or absent-minded; drops things. SUDDEN, PIERCING SHRIEKS. Head pains; stabbing or as of a blow; < occiput. ROLLS THE HEAD. Numb, tired headache, > pressure. Painful hair. Musty head sweat. Cheeks hang down. Eyes puffy; conjunctiva or lids like water-bags; red; chemosed. Perforating corneal ulcer. Profuse hot tears. Photophobia; yet can't bear coverings. Squint. Blindness, > stool. Myosis. Face puffy or red, < about eyes; waxy pallor. Scarlatinal otitis. Red nose. Cold nose. Red mouth or tongue. Grinds teeth. Tongue: vesicles on edge; swelled; raw; as if burnt; sore. Sandy, glazed or translucent pharynx, > cold things. Oedema of uvula. Purpleness of throat. Meaty, red tonsils. Right tonsil, > cold drinks. Angina. Diphtheria; early prostration (Merc-cy.); dirty membrane. ADIPSIA; but thirst during chill. Ascites. Orange yellow or tomato-sauce stools; odorless; < motion. Anus sore, swelled; oozes blood or stands open (Pho.). Burning urination. Dysuria. Scant, foul urine; coffee-grounds sediment. Nephritis. Ovaries numb; tumor of r.; cystic. Amenorrhoea of puberty. Panting breathing; feels as if every breath would be his last. Air hunger. Larynx, drawn in. Thirstless and dropsical. Abdomen tight, as if to break, on straining at stool. Profuse urine, but drinks little. Ovaries congested, with suppressed menses. Heart, stitches backward from apex; beat shakes whole body. Hands and feet numb. Palms hot. Nails feel loose. Skin rosy red; sensitive; rough eruption on; sting-like spots on; pale. Large urticaria. Asthma from hives. Erysipelas. Scarlatina. Dry, hot skin, alternates with gushes of sweat. SLEEPY, but too nervous; when hot; and CRIES OUT. Kicks covers off. Weak, quick pulse. Chill: anticipates; with dyspnoea, urticaria, desire to uncover; alternates with heat; right side. BURNING HEAT; but chilly if moved; without thirst; at 4 P.M. Heat of one part, with coldness of another. Sweat in gushes; partial.
Region: CELLULAR TISSUE, EYES; FACE; FAUCES; OVARIES; SEROUS CAVITIES; SKIN; KIDNEYS; BLADDER; Nerves; Respiration; Heart; Blood; Right side, right to left.
Worse: HEAT: ROOM; Weather; Drinks; Fire; Bed; Hot bath (Op;); Touch, even of hair; After sleep; 4 P;M; Pressure; Suppressed eruptions.
Better: COOL: AIR; Bathing; Uncovering; Slight expectoration; Motion.