Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Antimonium tartaricumn
Antimonium tartaricum
Depression. LACKS REACTION. INCREASINGLY WEAK. DROWSY, SWEATY AND RELAXED. MUCH SECRETION OF MUCUS. Old people and children. Complaints arising in digestive sphere.
Icy finger-tips. Whines before attack, cough, etc. Crushing weight on chest. Won't be touched or looked at. Prostrated in mind and body. Stupid on awaking. Unwilling to be looked at or touched. Wants to be carried up-right. Mucus in tarsi. One eye closed. Upper lip drawn up. Tongue: thick white pasty coat; very red or red streaks; dry down middle. Flow of saliva. Craves apples. Vomits or expectorates with great effort. Abdomen feels full of stones. Expectoration: gluey; suppressed. Feet go to sleep on sitting down. Shocks on dropping to sleep. Asphyxia neonatorum. Apathy or easily annoyed; wants to be let alone. Peevish, whining and moaning. Clings to attendants. Consciousness wanes on closing eyes (Cann-i.). As of a lump in forehead. Sooty or flapping nostrils. Sickly, sunken, pale, bluish or twitching face; covered with cool sweat. Papillae show through white coat on tongue. Tongue flabby, red in streaks. Craves acids, which disagree. Belchings, like bad eggs. NAUSEA; in waves; with weakness and cold sweat (Lob. Ver-a.), loathing or anxiety. Forcible vomiting; then exhaustion and sleep (Æth.). Violent retching. Sinking at stomach. Mucus or grass, green stools. Diarrhoea; of eruptive diseases. Unequal breathing. SUFFOCATIVE SHORTNESS OF BREATH; before cough or alternating with cough; a leaflet seems over trachea. LOOSE, COARSE, RATTLING COUGH; CHEST SEEMS FULL, YET LESS AND LESS IS RAISED; then vomiting or sleep (Æth.); < anger. Must sit up to breathe or cough. Coughs and yawns alternately. Thick expectoration. Capillary bronchitis or bronchitis. Pleuro-pneumonia. Paralytic depression of heart and lungs (Bar-c.). Violent (lumbar) backache; < lifting; motion excites retching and cold sweat. Restless arms. Dropsy of legs. Yawning; with many complaints. SOMNOLENCY; with all complaints, or from warmth. Torpid, cool, SWEATY SKIN. Delayed or receding, blue or pustular eruptions. Sycosis barbae. Smallpox. Impetigo. Weak, quick pulse. Heat coming from heart. Burning sensation. Sticky sweat.
Region: MUCOUS MEMBRANES; Pneumogastric nerve, Bronchi; Lungs; Heart; CIRCULATION; Respiration; Stomach; Bowels; Sleep; Lumbar region; Skin.
Worse: WARM: Room; Wraps; Weather; Anger; Lying; Morning; Overeating; Cold; Dampness.
Better: Expectoration; Sitting erect; Motion; Vomiting.