Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.16.07 Anamirta cocculus, Cocculus indicus
English: Fishberry; Levant nut.
Botany: Anamirta cocculus.
French: Coque du levant.
Ailments <<< worries, grief, nursing the sick.
Ailments from mental excitement, nigh watching, caring for the ill; loss of relatives.
Delusion: committed a wicked deed; people are black.
Delusion: headless; organs hollow.
Confusion: identity.
Mental: dull, indifferent, indolence, stupor, taciturn.
Madness < amenorrhoea.
Aversion sex; unmarried and childless women; sexual anxiety, wants to be virgin and bacchante.
Time passes too quickly, too slowly.
Sensitive, romantic.
Debilitated, < sexual excesses, onanists, drunkards.
Cannot bear contradiction; easily offended; every trifle makes him angry; speaks hastily.
Fear: others, disease.
Dreams: vivid, frightful; anxious; pleasant; unimportant; vexatious; indifferent; amorous.
Dreams: disease; knees swollen, painful, teeth falling out; bitten by snakes.
Dreams: dying, death; dead bodies; dead people.
Dreams: misfortune, bad luck, unfortunate events; something evil had happened.
Dreams: committed crimes; doing wrong; remorse.
Type: women and children, fair hair, blue eyes.
Aversion: food, loss of appetite.
Food: > drinking, > eating.
Sleep: sleepless, <, lack of sleep; sighing, yawning frequent.
Energy: weak, great lassitude, < talk loudly, < loss of sleep, < menses.
Fever: slow, sneaking, nervous, with vertigo; with disposition to anger.
Nervous: meningitis, encephalitis, chorea, paralysis, eclampsia; convulsion, < loss of sleep, < anger, < grief.
Vertigo < rising, < riding, < cars, < boats, > warmth.
Head: hollow; headache pulsating, pressing, < riding, < talking; empty, sensation brain is rolled into a small bulk, nape and occiput, extending to the spine, as if tightly bound by a cord, with nausea, as if at sea, < menses, < lying on back of head.
Mouth: metallic taste.
Throat: larynx narrow.
Chest: constricted, as from a band.
Stomach: nausea, vomiting, << riding in carriage, boat, railroad car, looking at a boat in motion; seasick, carsick.
Abdomen: pain, cutting, rubbing, < every movement, as of sharp stones.
Rectum: haemorrhoids, < after menses.
Urinary: urination difficult < menses, < pregnancy.
Female: menses irregular, copious, < standing; labour difficult, + convulsions, + blind, > sighing; leucorrhoea, like washings of meat, serum, ichorous, bloody < stooping, < kneeling, > walking, instead of menses, between menses, < pregnancy.
Limbs: spasm, cramp < walking; numb; paralysis; trembling of arms and legs; from excitement, exertion or pain.