Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.41.06 Alnus rubra
Botany: Alnus, from Alor amme, = being cared for by the flow.
Names: Alnus serulata; Betula Alnus.
English: Tag alder; Red alder; Smooth alder.
Culture: alder is as compassionate as the birch, cheers you up, promises spring.
Stranger in his own family.
Has to behave differently to conquer his identity.
Busy, industrious.
Mind dull, confused, concentration difficult.
Sad < daytime, > evening.
Dream: amorous; animals biting him, buildings, friends, houses, hotels; lost in a city; water running, wonderful wood.
Dreams: being approached amorously; animals biting, into arm; buildings, hotel, houses; friends; lost in an unknown city, house or in a hotel; running water; wonderful wood; wood.
Desire: brown rice.
Aversion: meat, coffee.
Food: < coffee, green peppers; milk, yoghurt.
General: marasmus, waste; glands lymphatic, enlarged, inflamed, chronic; subaxillary.
Infection: syphilis, gonorrhoea.
Head: heavy after being drunk.
Mouth: ulcers.
Throat: ulcers.
Heart: pain.
Chest: mammary pain, swelling before menses.
Stomach: indigestion, lack of gastric and intestinal secretions, slow digestion.
Rectum: pain after stool.
Urinary: bladder motion; kidney stones; haematuria.
Female: menses absent, amenorrhoea; burning pain from back to pubis; leucorrhoea; cervix eroded, bleeds easily.
Limbs: rheumatism.
Skin: eczema, boils; cracks, ulcers, boils, stitching, sticking, left iliac region; eruptions, chronic, alternating with diseases of the mucous membranes; purpura haemorrhagica; poison-oak.