Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.56.13 Allium sativum
English: Garlic.
French: Ail.
Dutch: Knoflook.
Content: selenium, sulphur.
Source: Sense provings; North American.
They are quite happily married but have the feeling that is spoiled by something, often an adultery, by themselves or their wife. This gives them the feeling that the marriage is not pure anymore, that something has entered their relationship that disturbs it. They have a nostalgia to how it was before but cannot go back. It is also too much to end the relationship as it is good in principle or there are children. So they are left with a kind of grudge about the adultery or a kind of feeling of bitterness that it did not work out the way they had idealised it.
Nostalgia to the pure monogamous marriage.
Bitter about the loss of purity, injustice.
Gourmand, high living.
Strong personality but scattered or splintered, too easily influenced, by low-grade psychism, mediums, possession.
Ailments from anticipation, death of parents or friends.
Ambitious, workaholic, desire for activity.
Too much concerned about his physical appearance; stylishness.
Worse from thinking of complaints.
Forgetful, concentration low.
Irritability, + indignation, < injustice, < trifles.
Fear: depression, recovery, disease; poisoned; jumping, insects; snakes; of pursuing but not frightening.
Dreams: water, storms; rapid transit from place to place, anxious; animals; flying snakes; flying.
Type: fleshy, high liver.
Time: < 5 pm.
Weather: < cold air; flushes.
Desire: meat, alcohol, tobacco, eggs, coca cola!, garlic, bread, butter, eggplant, cucumber; voracious appetite.
Aversion: meat, tobacco.
Food: < onion, < garlic, < pasta, > coca cola; too rich food.
Sleep: sleepless.
Physical: < riding in cars or wagons.
Energy: weak, drained.
Infection: bacteria; virus; parasitic; sepsis; plague.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Head: heavy; pain, pulsating, stitching, temples, occiput, < anger, < emotions, < odours, < sun; deafness, < catarrh.
Eyes: tears burning, < menses.
Nose: smell acute during headache.
Face: pale, vacancy in the eyes.
Mouth: much sweetish saliva, < meals, < night; tongue pale, red papillae.
Sensation of a hair on tongue or throat.
Lungs: cough, < morning, expectoration, difficult, mucous, foetid, tenacious, blood; dilated bronchi; constant rattling of mucus in bronchi; asthma, < odours; tuberculosis.
Heart: !; arteriosclerosis; arteries contracted; hypertension; thrombosis.
Chest: darting pain; breasts pain, swelling; twitching pain; as if empty spot.
Stomach: burning belching; ulcers; indigestion, > little food, < change diet.
Rectum: constipation, with constant dull pains in bowels; colitis, pathological flora; worms; flatus offensive.
Female: menses irregular; eruption in vagina and on breasts and vulva during menses.
Back: stiff, tension, cervical, extending to head, < headache; pain, lumbar.
Limbs: pain in hip, pain in psoas and iliac muscles; grangrene.