Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.56.06 Allium cepa
English: Onion.
French: Oignon.
DD: Sulphur; Selenium.
Source: Sense provings.
The monogamy has to be forced here. It is the Stage 6 quality of forcing oneself or being forced by others to stay monogamous. This becomes especially difficult when their own sexual desire is much stronger than that of their partner. They have to force themselves and prove they can stay monogamous.
The raw, burning quality is an expression of the raw emotions that tend to overflow them in such a situation. This overflow of emotions is also expressed in dreams of water, floods and storms.
Proving they can stay monogamous.
Sexual desire strong, in conflict with monogamy.
Desire purity.
Sexual amputation.
Desire for activity.
Ailments from death of parents or friends.
Foolish; grimaces; insanity; madness.
Greed, cupidity in eating.
Restlessness, nervousness.
Discontented, displeased, dissatisfied. Indifference, apathy, aversion to work.
Sadness, weeping, < coryza, < music, < piano.
Confusion, not concentrated, dull, vanishing of senses, absent minded, < afternoon, < coffee, < wine.
Mistakes: spelling; foreign language, talking, misplacing words, work.
Fear: inanity, unbearable pain, suffering.
Dreams: battles, fights, precipices, danger, falling high places.
Dreams: water, flood, sea, storms, difficulty in reaching the coast, high waves; deep wells, efforts to get out.
Dreams: annoying dreams in convalescents.
Sensitive to odours of flowers, odours of peaches.
Colour preference: 17C.
Sensation: raw, burning, pungent, tearing, glowing, cutting, linear, neuralgic, stitching, fine needles, thread.
Type: phlegmatic, left sided.
Weather: < warm room; > cool, open air; < wet feet, < cold, < damp, < north east wind; glowing heat on different parts of the body.
Time: < 9 pm, < spring, May.
Desire: garlic; raw onion, raw food; vegetables; food; canine hunger; thirst.
Food: < coffee, < wine, < peaches, < coffee, < cucumber, < starchy food, < rich food, < salads, < warm food, < fish, < spoiled fish, < meat, < spoiled meat, > onion, > cold water.
Physical: > stretching, > yawning, < singing, > bathing, washing; > motion; < odours; > flatus; <<< injury, operations.
Sleep: gaping; yawning, drowsy, < headache; wakes at 2 am.
Discharge: acrid, burning, dripping, increased.
Nervous: neuralgias, chronic, pain like a fine thread, < amputations, < injuries to nerves, < trauma; phantom pain; ataxia.
Head: headache catarrhal, forehead, > menses, < warm room, < evening; forehead aches; into eyes and face; > free coryza or menses.
Eyes: red, burning, smarting, lids; suffused, watery, lachrymation bland, profuse, > open air, < cough, > rubbing; < light.
Ears: pain, shooting in Eustachian tube.
Face: thread like pains.
Nose: coryza, colds, cattarh, discharge fluent, acrid; burning; sneezing, paroxysmal, < entering a warm room; lump at root of nose; hayfever; polypus.
Mouth: burning, dripping from nose or uvula.
Throat: raw, burning, bladder and skin.
Throat: larynx raw, tickling, sctching, < cough; split or torn; hoarse, singers' cold, < warm room, > open air; painful talking.
Lungs: asthma, allergic, < spring; cough incessant, hacking, tickling, < inspiring cold air, holds it back; as if to tear or split larynx; must grasp it; breathing oppressed, < pressure in middle of chest; constricted feeling in region of epiglottis; senile bronchitis, respiration accelerated.
Heart: pulse fast; hemolytic anaemia.
Stomach: belching; nausea; pain in pyloric region.
Abdomen: rumbling, pains in left hypogastrium; colic, < sitting, < moving about.
Rectum: flatus offensive, foul, noisy, painful; diarrhoea after constipation; stitches, glowing heat; itching, cracks in anus.
Urinary: weak, bladder, urethra; urine red, profuse, < coryza; pressure and burning in urethra.
Limbs: sore, tired, arms; lame joints; pain fingers about nails neuralgia of stump; galled feet.
Skin: ulcers on heel; wounds and scars painful.