Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.44.10 Aesculus hippocastanum
English: Horse chestnut.
German: Rosskastanie.
French: Maronnier.
Dutch: Paardenkastanje.
Feels he belongs to an inferior caste. Fighting injustice.
Mistakes repeated; learning slow; little reflection.
Thoughts repetitive, like echoes, of conversations or life episodes.
Finishes nothing, begins new things.
Hurry impatient, racing mind. Active, industrious.
Uncaring, awkward, unattentive.
Bossy, 'bulldog".
Desire to escape through the window.
Does not recognise relatives, antisocial.
Despondent, gloomy; very irritable; loses temper easily and gains control slowly; miserably cross.
Extreme mental anguish, when everything has been tried and there is no light left.
Dreams: distressing; in a battle and fighting hard, great excitement; awoke troubled; man in his room; amorous; battles, fights; ghosts, spectres.
Colour preference: 3B.
Sensation: full, congested, lancinating; hot lightning; sticking; dry, stiff, rough.
Localisation: right side.
Weather: < closed, < warm room, > cool, open air; > warmth.
Time: < morning, > summer.
Desire: chocolate, ham, milk, sweets.
Aversion: cheese.
Food: > cold water; < alcohol.
Sleep: < waking.
Physical: < walking, < rest, < lying, < stooping, > kneeling, > continued exertion; < after stool, < urinating, < sleep, > bleeding.
Sensation: congestion.
Energy: great fatigue, < walking.
Head: full brain, pelvis, skin; crushing occiput; migraine.
Nose: coryza; thin, watery, burning, raw, < cold air; congestive catarrh.
Face: full, congested, folds.
Throat: follicular pharyngitis; violent burning, pricking, stinging, hot, stiff, raw, dry, rough; frequent to swallow; constricted; varicose veins.
Heart: full; venous congestion.
Chest: pains.
Stomach: full; catarrh.
Abdomen: pain, throbbing, deep; gall problems.
Rectum: hot, dry, stiff, rough; full; painful constriction; as knife sawing up and down feet; as if full of small sticks; knife like pains shoot up the rectum; haemorrhoids blind, painful, burning purple, puffy, rarely bleeding; constipation; stool hard, dry, difficult to pass.
Female: uterus prolapse, haemmorrhage; acrid, dark leucorrhoea.
Back: backache, laming, dull, breaking, heavy, lame, lumbar, sacro-iliac, < rising, < walking; bruised pain, sacrum, hips; paralytic heavy spine; ankylosing spondylitis.
Limbs: paralytic heavy arms, feet; varicose veins; thrombosis.
Skin: acne.