Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.13.03 Actaea spicata
English: Baneberry.
French: Actée en epi.
Parents are dominating, an aggressive father or a suffocative mother. They try to break out of this and go into high sense of egotism.
They think highly of themselves but underneath is a high fear of failure, that all will fail. They are always striving to be better.
High sex desire and desire for alcohol, strong addictive tendency.
Tendency to nasty practical jokes.
Impatient and restless; hasty speech.
Inclined to debauchery.
Anxious, < rest, < night in bed, < slightest thing, < noises; starts easily.
Self-deception; dissatisfied with self.
Excited, extroverted, joy of life, forceful; loquacity, cheerful enjoyment, > motion, > exercising, > work.
Great desire to work, yet inability, incapable of it.
Lack of confidence, doubtful of success, weak will, < trifling undertakings; irresolution.
Inconstancy, capricious, whimsical; wavering mood.
Anger, scold < eating; obstinacy.
Sad, despair, lamenting, sighing, melancholy, dejection, weepy, hopeless, wailing, complaining, distaste of life.
Obstinacy, anger.
Mental debility, exhaustion, prostration, dull, weak; indisposed to thinking, reflect; confusion, absence of mind; memory weak.
Ailments from fright; tension at work; jealousy and gossip.
Company, desire for.
Sensation: ripped off, bound up.
Fear: insanity; death, alone; being ridiculed, humiliated, ego hurt; criticism.
Delusion, everything will fail.
Delusions, furious delirium, coma, bewildering, almost to insanity, < fever, < fright.
Desire: rich foods.
Physical: ->> motion; aversion motion in the open air.
Energy: sudden lassitude; after eating and after talking; without apparent cause.
Nervous: chorea, hysteria, epilepsy, < puberty, < menarche.
Vertigo: suppressed left-handed violin player.
Mouth: toothache.
Lungs: asthma, severe; lungs fail to thrive.
Stomach: indigestion, vomiting.
Limbs: arthritis of small joints, fingers, toes, wrists, ankle.
Skin: irritation, itching blisters.
DD: Bariums, Staphysagria.