Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
631.11.01 Acorus calamus
Names: from the Greek acoron, derived from coreon, pupil; It can be read as a core, having no core, no nucleus.
English: Sweet flag; Calamus; Sweet flag-root.
German: Kalmus: Deutscher Ingwer; Deutscher Zitwer.
Dutch: Kalmoes; Akkerwortel.
Content: asarone; choline, beta asarone.
They have a conflict between just being themselves and experiencing life, on the one hand, and trying to have relationships. Communication and contact with others causes them confusion.
It is like a teenager who has to learn how to survive and take care of all their own needs while at the same time, learning how to relate with others socially. This is experienced in a state of only being able to experience things as they happen, but being unable to act. They have a very vulnerable quality, being unable to take any action, only experiencing things passively.
It feels as if they have no personality yet. They feel everything without boundaries, they have problems keeping themselves together. It is like being lost in space. Or they feel as if they have a lack of space or no space of their own, or as if they are unable to take up any space.
They can experience things without having emotions, or they experience them as if they do not know how to handle emotions. So they store up their emotions and suppress them without working them out.
A big theme is the idea of being a bad person. This is a general theme of all the Lilianae, the struggle between good and bad, the inner struggle of being good or bad. They have it in a very basic form, just a feeling of being bad. They can express it as being dirty, disgusting, criminal, devilish or abandoned by God. It is a theme of the Carbon series, which is a general theme for all the Lilianae, Monocots.
The state often arises from a very bad youth, growing up in dysfunctional families with a lot of disruption, fights and abuse. Often they have also been sexually abused. They get the idea that it is their fault that people behave so badly towards them. They think they have done something wrong, that they are guilty of some offence or crime, otherwise it would not have happened. They feel that God is punishing them because they are bad, or they may say they have a bad karma.
It is a remedy for people who are shocked to enter puberty. For instance girls who suddenly get menses and were not prepared for it and think they will bleed to death. Or they may have been forced out of the innocence of childhood by sexual abuse, or physical abuse, violence and being beaten.
They just experience the abuse. They cannot do anything about it. The idea that it might be possible to do anything about it does not even enter their mind.
Confusion, identity, reality and mask; recognising or not recognising.
Lack of direction, disorientation in time and space.
Lack of focus from being overwhelmed by people, crowds.
Desire for stark outlines and delineation.
Going with the flow.
Panic attacks and anxiety attacks.
Lack of will, power, focus.
Immigrants, people without roots.
Lost in the world.
Theme: water, boats, boating, drifting, to the side, hard to steer, < opposing currents.
Dream: adultery by a spouse.
Time: < 1 am.
Desire: drinks, thirsty.
Nervous: convulsions, neuralgia.
Infection: the plague.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Eyes: vision foggy, diminished, hallucinations; conjunctivitis; inflammation.
Nose: catarrh.
Mouth: toothache; taste bitter, spicy, zing, heavy, oily, aromatic; offensive breath.
Lungs: cough; asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis.
Heart: pain; pulse fast.
Stomach: pain, cramp; dyspepsia, indigestion; heat < falling asleep; nausea, < motion, < car or air travel.
Abdomen: pain, intense, cramps, colic, < gas; flatulence; cholera; gall bladder attack; appendicitis; liver, spleen pain, in the sides; diabetes.
Rectum: diarrhoea; dysentery.
Urinary: urine scanty; enuresis.
Female: endometriosis; abortion.
Limbs: heavy legs; pain, cramping, hip; tremor left hand; pain scapula, < deep breathing.