Jan Scholten
Acidum lacticum
Acidum Lacticum
Unity Symbiosis Girl
Total Childish
Eternal Dependent
Exhaustion Feminine
Lively Fresh Extrovert
Forever True
The girl that never grows up
A real girl
The child woman
Having to fight to be allowed to be a girl
Active in the role of being a girl
Exhausted being a girl
Isolation being a girl
The Lactic Acid picture
Essence: the girl that never grows up, a real girl.
A real girl
These people are very childish and immature. They would prefer to remain a child, a little girl. This may express itself in childish behaviour and talking with a high pitched little voice. Their mannerisms and way of speaking can be very put on and silly. It is the picture of the child woman.
In childhood they often love to play with dolls, dressing them, feeding them, mothering them etc. They tend cling to their mother a lot in every sense of the word.
When they grow up they have a problem because they don’t like to take responsibility, they would do anything to avoid it. As long as other people explain things to them and show them exactly what to do they’ll be all right. Especially if they get a lot of praise for what they do. But as soon as they are asked to achieve something on their own they start to feel most uncomfortable. They would like to avoid these tasks, especially if they are likely to get criticised, it makes them very nervous. ‘What if I make a mistake?’
Causes: leaving home, stopping breast feeding, having to undertake new things.
Weather: warm blooded, > fresh air
Perspiration: profuse, under arms, hands
Time: < morning, < 5 pm.
Desires: milk, porridge, sour, buttermilk, sweet.
Aversion: sour, sweet.
Food: > sweet !!, eating !!, < smoking, sweet, milk.
Physical: < getting up.
Late potty-trained, walking, talking
Vertigo, feeling as if floating, lightheaded
headache, > vomiting.
Hyperventilation: Short of breath with oppression of chest, nausea, dizziness, palpitations, fears and sensation of fainting.
Aphthae, profuse saliva, especially in children.
Sore throat with feeling of lump in throat.
Breasts swollen and painful, < before menses, < lactation.
Sour risings, eructations of sour mucus. Hypersalivation.
Nausea < morning, < pregnancy, > eating.
Hypoglycaemia: nausea, dizziness, trembling, < fasting, > eating. Diabetes.
Diarrhoea,watery, sour and acrid. Nappy rash, red bottom.
Legs heavy, trembling with weakness.
DD: Acidums, Lacticums, Sarcolactic acid, Muriaticums, Medorrhinum, Pulsatilla.