Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.36.00 Achariaceae
Botany: 30 genera; parietal placentation.
Content: cyclopentoid cyanogenic glucosides.
In the Apg3 classification Achariaceae is a Family in the Malpighiales, closely related to Violaceaea and Salicaceae. In comparison with past taxonomies Achariaceae is greatly expanded with genera from the Family Flacourtiaceae. Flacourtiaceae is split up and the genera are divided over Salicaeae and Achariaceae.
There is a combination of adaptation and loss. They have to adapt to many hardships, losing a lot, having stillborn children, death of parents and family members, poverty and so on. There is no revolt against what happens. They accept events as fate, undergoing it and adapting to it as best as possible.
They feel chaotic and confused in a strange world. The world is hard and there have been many hardships. These hardships have been so many that they cannot let them be.
Abandoned, isolated; live in own world, push everything else out, fenced off.
Aversion: plastic people, masquerade.
Theme: breast feeding, everybody, death in childbirth.
Children send to boarding school, raised by nannies.
Energy: tired, heavy.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Head: headache, temples.
Mouth: tongue prickling.
Chest: breasts swollen, congested.
Stomach: nausea.
Limbs: arms and hands were cut off.