Qjure Journal
Datura metel
Man, 40, panic attacks He is very nervous, especially in contact with other people. Then he has panic attacks and can become aggressive. He can also be aggressive to his wife and once almost strangled her. It started after he had been in the army. For 10 years he was...
Petunia integrifolia
A Solanaceae remedy Woman, 25, psychosis. American. Psychosis after Lsd, with a bad trip, another guy was shooting at dead animals. Delusion being Jesus. Dream: wolves were coming out of the parents house. Delusion being persecuted, being spied on. Siblings were...
Dysphania botrys
A Chenopodioideae remedy Remedy code: 3-663.53.13 Case by Tomas Vyboch Woman, 74 years, Meniere’s disease. She feels dizzy and has vertigo very often. It started 10 years ago. She uses some medication, but it does not help. When she has vertigo, she cannot move, she...
Echinacea angustifolia
A Helianthaceae remedy Remedy code: 3-666.44.17 Case by Tomas Vyboch Woman, 4 years, flushes of heat. She has flushes of heat due to menopause. They come often during sleep. She has poor sleep because of them. It lasts for 5 years. She works as a freelancer. She does...
Citrus limon
A Rutaceae remedy Remedy code: 3-655.44.09 Case by Tomas Vyboch Woman, in her 30ies, panic disorder She has panic attacks and anxieties. She has palpitations when she rests after work. During panic attacks, she feels she is going to die and no one will help her. She...
Lycopus virginicus
A Lamiaceae remedy Remedy code: 3-665.54.09 Case by Tomas Vyboch Woman, 19 years old, fatigue and fear of exams. She is very tired. She studies medicine. She is overwhelmed by studying and cannot cope with stress. In past she was able to talk in front of three hundred...
Dear member of Qjure, In this issue of the Journal Qjure you will find some very nice articles about remedies of the Solanales. The Solanaceae are the sole family in the order of Solanales. In the first version of the Plant theory, the Convolvulaceae were also member...
Schultesianthus megalandrus
A Solanaceae remedy Woman, 24, depression. Her mother is suicidal and has done a suicide attempt three times. When she was 6 she saw her mother after such an attempt in blood. She is very depressed, suicidal herself, one time jumped out of a car in an impulse. Then...
Solanum lycopersicum
A Solanaceae remedy Woman, 80, cough. She developed the cough after the death of her husband. He had a heart attack, fell and died. She called the doctors, they did a reanimation. It was a horrible situation. The threat reminded her of her childhood, where she and...
Petunia integrifolia
A Solanaceae remedy – Male, 22 year, sclerosis multiplex. He was diagnosed with sclerosis multiplex six years ago. He is treated by classical medicine however his condition got worse for the last half a year. He is very tired. He sleeps from 10 to 12 hours a day. His...