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Qjure Journal 2021, Issue 6

Qjure Journal overview of all articles and editions (Year/Issue)


Year 2021, Issue 6, Article 1Author: Jan Scholten

Editorial I have read a very nice book by Jeremy Rifkin with the title “The empathic civilization, the race to global consciousness in a world in crisis. There he argues that empathy is increasing in humanity and in evolution in general. This is reflected in the...

Piper aduncum

Year 2021, Issue 6, Article 2Author: Martin Jakob

Piper remedy Woman 58, breast cancer. She is a neglected child, her father rough and could beat her hard. She as a girl was not worth, she was not allowed to study. She felt very alone through this rough upbringing. Her mother did not protected her against her father....

Piper arboreum

Year 2021, Issue 6, Article 3Author: Jan Scholten

Man, 50, sleepless. A man has problems falling asleep. Is better when he's watching TV and worse from noises in his ear when he is lying in bed. It also worse when he has to check everything and when has a lot to do in the household like cooking and cleaning. It is...

Peperomia clusiifolia

Year 2021, Issue 6, Article 4Author: Sonja Obbink

Woman, 50, glue ear. She had influenza, which ended in otitis and pneumonia. She was hospitalised by it and treated with antibiotics. After that she had dyspnoea, worse form exertion like bicycling. She worries about finances, that she has to make enough income with...

Peperomia trifolia

Year 2021, Issue 6, Article 5Author: Sonja Obbink

Woman, 50, lichen sclerosis. She has lichen sclerosis which started 2 years after her divorce. She got a new relationship and was afraid that the lichen sclerosis would give problems. Her youth was very problematic. Her father was absent. Her mother had a personality...

Piper aduncum

Year 2021, Issue 6, Article 6Author: Sonja Obbink

Woman, 50, premenstrual syndrome. She is very critical, in general and on homeopathy. She has fatigue, herpes labialis every 2 weeks. She has menstruation problems, premenstrual syndrome, starting 2 weeks before her menses. Her menses are very copious. She had a good...

Piper angustifolium

Year 2021, Issue 6, Article 7Author: Martin Jakob

Piper remedy Woman, 80, depressed. She want to stay in bed. She is depressed, life is boring. She has these kind of recurrent phase her whole life that she wants to stay in bed. Mother died very early, when she was about 6. Her stepmother was not a very warm person....

Piper obliquum

Year 2021, Issue 6, Article 8Author: Sonja Obbink

Woman, 40. She feels unsure about herself. She's a bit dreamy. She doesn't feel well in her body is not physically strong. Nowhere she feels at home. She is very irresolute it can take ages before she can decide. She feels tense, irritable and restless and tends to...

Peperomia cuspidilimba

Year 2021, Issue 6, Article 9Author: Martin Jakob

Peperomia remedy Woman 45 year. She is very shy, insecure. She easily cries when talking about herself. She is doing everything for others; her 3 sisters, parents. She worked a lot. A quiet girl, making no problems. Swallowing everything. She had to overcome...