Qjure Journal 2021, Issue 2
Editorial Regularly patients ask me if their prescription is a constitutional remedy. They have got the impression that I prescribe "small remedies" and not "constitutional remedies". I explain them that remedies are not constitutional as such, but that prescriptions...
Homalothecium lutescens
A Homalothecium remedy Man, 45, mental handicap. He had a severe head trauma, brain trauma and almost died. He was caught by an avalanche and his head was brown to a rock. After wards he was mentally handicapped. He is very good in facts; knows everything very well....
Aulacomnium palustre
An Aulacomonium remedy Case by Jan Scholten Woman, 25, depression She is depressed, she doesn't fancy anything and just sits in a corner hanging in a chair. She also does not want to go to her job, working in a caring farm. This came on since her manager has changed...
Aulacomnium palustre
An Aulacomonium remedy Case by Jan Scholten Woman, 50, abdominal pain. She has abdominal pain a few hours after defecation. It feels as if she is punched in her abdomen, around her umbilicus, as if het intestines are twisted and sore. The complaints are better with...
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus
A Rhytidiadelphus remedy Case by Jan Scholten Woman, 60, confusion. She feels stuck, disappointed, discouraged and not good enough. This was increased after she left her marriage of 35 years. She felt that her only responsibility was to submit to her husband in all...
Aulacomnium palustre
An Aulacomnium remedy or a marsh moss Case by Cristina Ari An eight-year-old girl suffered from a social anxiety disorder. Towards the end of the second school year, when she gradually began to refuse to attend school, her mother decided to come and see me. Since...
Tortella tortuosa
A Tortella remedy Case by Cristina Ari One does not function properly, one stands beside it! In the following I will report about a woman who was severely neglected in her childhood. All her life she had a desire for a place in society. She felt not recognized and not...
Metzgeria furcata
A Metzgeria remedy Case by Cristina Ari The desire for more energy and security A 42-year-old woman who is deaf from birth feels constantly overwhelmed in life and misunderstood by everyone. As the mother of a nine-year-old daughter, she feels extremely stressed by...