Qjure Journal 2016, Issue 1
Nierembergia scoparia
Year 2020, Issue 1, Article 2Author: Martin Jakob
A remedy of Nicotianoideae Man 50 y. recurring numbness, tingling and coldness, of hands and feet; < damp cold, overexertion; often dizzy. He has had a hard youth, his father had the point of view that his children are there to work. The father was traumatized by the...
Year 2016, Issue 1, Article 2Author: Martin Jakob
A remedy of Nicotianoideae Man 50 y. recurring numbness, tingling and coldness, of hands and feet; < damp cold, overexertion; often dizzy. He has had a hard youth, his father had the point of view that his children are there to work. The father was traumatized by the...