Qjure - how it works
Qjure.com is a website, an encyclopedia for homeopathy. Qjure is open for everyone. It can be used by patients to look up the remedies prescribed for them. In the search field one can put the name of a remedy and Qjure will show a list of remedies. Or one can search for a symptom and a list of entries are shown containing the searched word. One can click on one item in the list and the full text shown under the menu Remedies. For instance one can search for obesity and a list of remedies with texts is shown. One can click for instance on “Alonsoa meridionalis” and then that remedy is shown.
Central on Qjure are the classifications of Remedies. At the moment the classifications of Minerals and Plants is incorporated and in the future the classifications of Bacteria and Animals. The classification of Minerals is described by the Element theory. This theory describes the Elements of the Periodic system as a combination of the themes of the row in the periodic system and the column of the Periodic system. The rows are called Series and the columns are called Stages. There are 7 Series or rows and 18 Stages or columns. Each of them has its own theme and meaning, in health and disease.
The classification of Plants is described by the Plant theory. The Plant theory uses the same classes as the Element theory, the Series and Stages, but adds to that the 8 Phases, which are the 8 columns of the Periodic system in the second and third row.
One of the advantages of these classification systems is that the essence of remedies can be described much better, with a deeper understanding of the state of a remedy. In order to see the classification in a short description, the Remedy code has been developed in the Plant theory.
Remedy code
Plants and Minerals have a remedy code. The remedy code is a description of the tree of the classification. The remedy code for Alonsoa meridionals is 3-665.53.06. This looks a bit mathematical for some people, but just is just a code, a short description of the classification. The classification is shown above the remedy name, going from kingdom to Stage. One does not have to use this classification and remedy code, but when one gets accustomed to it, it is very clarifying.
The short clarification for the remedy code for Alonsoa meridionals is 3-665.53.06 is:
3 = Plant kingdom: this means sensitivity, taking others into consideration, trying to finds one place in the world.
6 = Gold series, Lanthanides: this means being reflective on oneself, and on the world.
6 = Gold series, Lanthanides: this means being considerate about the world, humanity and environment.
5 = Silver series, Lanthanides: this means wanting to be creative, artistic or scientific.
5 = Phase 5: this means being expansive in relation to what one wants to achieve.
3 = Phase 3: The means being pleasing and adapting in relation to what one wants to achieve.
06 = Stage 6: this means that one is tough, courageous, daring to take on difficult challenges to prove themselves.
Together that gives the image of someone who wants to prove that he can do something creative for the better of the world in a situation where he tries to be appreciated by at one hand pleasing others and at the other trying to be the best.
Qjure is especially useful to compare remedies, because it is build on the classification of Minerals, Plants and Animals. Under the menu Remedies one can easily go from one remedy to another, by going up or down in the classification tree.
For instance, when one is at Alonsoa, one can click on Scruphulariaceae under Families, and Qjure will go to that family. Then one can click under Members on one of the members of the family Scrophulariaceae. Or one can go much higher up in the classification any clicking under Families on Angiospermae, the flowering plants.
Qjure Books
Under the menu Books one can find often several books that have a chapter on the present remedy. The most important book is Qjure, which is the central updated Material medica, the best description so far for a remedy or family. The book Qjurious describes all kinds of other information like names, content, cultural meaning, uses, botanical information, taxonomy and so on.
The Journal will have regular and irregular editions. New cases, provings and ideas will be presented and incorporated into the Qjure encyclopedia. As a member one will get an e-mail when there is a new edition of the Journal. One can use Qjure to follow the new developments in the Plant theory and other ones.
A very useful tool is the Q-Search or Qjure search. It is only available for members. With Q-Search one can search for remedies with all kinds of combinations of text, Series, kingdom, stages or Phases. For instance one can search for a combination of “teacher”, “knee problems”, Phase 5 and Iron series. Or any other combination. This can give unexpected and regularly very good results.
Qjure member
Becoming a member of Qjure has several advantages. Firstly you can use the best tool for searching - Q-Search. Then one can see more texts, for instance of cases and provings and also give comments. The membership is held at a the low price of 10 € / year - be a member here - at membership page.