Proving By Alex Leupen, Muriatic acid 200K, 21-10-’94. Dream on the first night: I was on a boat somewhere with a few other people. The boat was moored close to the shore at the edge of a large expanse of water, like a sea (Muriaticum). There was ice on the water. In...
6.14.1 Plumbum phosphoricum, Case 1 An 80 year old man has come to consult me because he is afraid of the side effects of the pain killers he used for his sciatica. It had given him a duodenal ulcer once and later on it caused bleeding in the intestines, also because...
6.14.3 Plumbum muriaticum Plumbum muriaticum is a new remedy. Its chemical formula is PbCl2. Concepts Plumbum Muriaticum Diplomatic Broken relationship Blasé Mother Child Redundancy Care Nurturing Irresponsible Attention Suspicion Mother Forced Self pity Attention...
6.14.3 Plumbum muriaticum, Case 1 A 40 year old woman has come for a consultation because she is very dizzy. She feels lightheaded, as if she is swaying and often has to hold on to a wall for support. It is worse of walking (2) or cycling, > in the mountains. She...
6.15 Bismuthum ‘My God, my God, why hast Thou deserted me?’ The remedy we know as Bismuth is Bismuth subnitricum rather than pure Bismuth. Bismuth telluride and Bismuth selenide can cause granulomatous long affections (Dreisbach). Signature The name is either derived...
6.15 Bismuthum, Case 1 A mother is bringing her 5 year old son because he has many colds. He has a heavy cough, especially when he goes outside (2), and when his hair gets wet. His mother always wraps him up well to prevent this. His cough is worse at night in bed, it...
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